Lead Like Christ: The remarkable story of one Catholic leader’s life-changing encounter with Pope John Paul II

Lead Like Christ: The remarkable story of one Catholic leader’s life-changing encounter with Pope John Paul II

When is the last time you took a quiet moment and allowed yourself the inner silence to listen to the whisper of the Holy Spirit?  To what were you invited—conflict resolution, another perspective, decisive action, compelling insight, inner peace, silence?  Did you follow the prompting?  One Sunday in November 2008, the Feast of Christ the…

Vatican Finances: British Judge on Sloane Avenue: Mincione did not act in good faith

Vatican Finances: British Judge on Sloane Avenue: Mincione did not act in good faith

Vatican News (VN)—“Based on the facts that emerged during the trial, the applicants did not meet the standards of communication with the State (Secretariat of State, ed.) that could be qualified as conduct in good faith.” These were the words used by Judge Robin Knowles, on behalf of the High Court of England and Wales,…

BOOK and Saint: Saint Claude de la Colombiere and His Little, Life-Changing Book

BOOK and Saint: Saint Claude de la Colombiere and His Little, Life-Changing Book

CBJ/CNA—On February 15 the Catholic church honors Saint Claude de la Colombiere, the 17th century French Jesuit who authenticated and wrote about Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque’s visions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When now-saint Pope John Paul II canonized St. Claude in 1992, he held him up as a model Jesuit, recalling how de…

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