School Leaders Academy: Find support for renewing your Catholic school

School Leaders Academy: Find support for renewing your Catholic school

“If today’s Catholic educators are re-awakening to the true nature of what a Catholic school community should be,” notes Michael J. Van Hecke, founder of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education (ICLE), “it is natural that we should turn our thoughts and attention to how we form, or re-form, our communities to align with the…

Bishops open registration for first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years

Bishops open registration for first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years

CNA, USCCB—The U.S. bishops on Tuesday opened registration to attend the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years. The National Eucharistic Congress will take place in Indianapolis July 17-21, 2024, and will be “a defining moment in our generation,” according to the website for the event. A five-day event of prayers, speakers, and liturgical celebrations,…

New York Encounter kicks off this weekend: Who Am I that You Care for Me?

New York Encounter kicks off this weekend: Who Am I that You Care for Me?

The them of this year’s New York Encounter — “Who Am I That You Care for Me?” — is drawn from Psalm 8 and is meant to speak to the widespread longing for belonging that cannot be met by models of “diversity, equity and inclusion” nor technological solutions such as social-media influencers or the metaverse.…

ALL EYES ON TEXAS: Find Out Why at the ‘Life is Beautiful Gala’ on October 30

ALL EYES ON TEXAS: Find Out Why at the ‘Life is Beautiful Gala’ on October 30

The reversal of Roe v. Wade marks a new reality. Practically overnight the number of moms in need dramatically increased, nationwide. Texas suddenly has become the epicenter of this new, post-Roe reality and one group in particular—the JPII Life Center—stands apart in generating innovative new solutions for moms in need, and for engaging and educating…

Napa Institute attendees drown out pro-abortion protestors with prayer and song

Napa Institute attendees drown out pro-abortion protestors with prayer and song

Pro-abortion protesters tried to disrupt a conference of Catholics leaders held over the weekend in Napa, Calif., but they soon gave up when their rauckus chants were drowned out when 800 conference attendees began singing “Salve Regina,” a hymn to the Virgin Mary. The July 30 incident, which later became a viral sensation on social…

The CMN MOMENTUM’22 Event – A Modern Take on “Ora et Labora”

The CMN MOMENTUM’22 Event – A Modern Take on “Ora et Labora”

The CMN MOMENTUM’22 event, hosted by the Catholic Marketing Network, is a unique Catholic gathering of professionals and prayer warriors – who equip, evangelize, catechize, and mobilize Catholics. This year’s event provides a connecting point for those called to pray and those called to work – together – in their efforts to be missionary disciples…

Napa Institute: July 21-25, 2021

Napa Institute: July 21-25, 2021

11th Annual Summer Conference Join us for the 11th Annual Summer Conference! July 21 – 25, 2021 Napa, California Register Now We invite you to join us as we dive deeper into our Catholic Faith and examine, with a spirit of charity, intellectual rigor, and fidelity to the magisterium, pressing issues facing Catholics today. The…

New Supreme Knight of Columbus Patrick E. Kelly has a Message for the Knights

New Supreme Knight of Columbus Patrick E. Kelly has a Message for the Knights

The new Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Patrick Kelly, emphasized reverence for the Eucharist at his installation on Friday at St. Mary’s parish in New Haven, Connecticut. In consecrating his administration of the Knights of Columbus to St. Joseph, Kelly pointed to the saint as the protector of Jesus – and called on…

Cardinal Bo and Cardinal Sarah among speakers at Budapest International Eucharistic Congress

Cardinal Bo and Cardinal Sarah among speakers at Budapest International Eucharistic Congress

More than 25 cardinals and bishops will take part in the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, which will include Cardinal Charles Maung Bo and Cardinal Robert Sarah among its speakers. The International Eucharistic Congress, a celebration of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist with participants from across the world, will take place…

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