What to know about China’s Coronavirus

What to know about China’s Coronavirus

The following article was eye-opening.  Apparently “coronavirus” is a genus and there are different species under it.  Put another way, “coronavirus” is a generic term referring to a specific type of virus.  The current outbreak has been dubbed the “Wuhan virus” after the city where the first report emerged earlier this month. That said, there…

Co-host of The Mentors Radio Show Tom Loarie leads Bryologyx in Radically improving cancer immunotherapies, announcing new VP David Crockford

Co-host of The Mentors Radio Show Tom Loarie leads Bryologyx in Radically improving cancer immunotherapies, announcing new VP David Crockford

BryoLogyx Inc., (www.BryoLogyx.com), a privately-held, pre-clinical company developing a new class of proprietary drugs to enhance the response rates and treatment durability of cancer immunotherapies, announced today that David Crockford has joined the Company as vice president of clinical development and logistics, a new position. Crockford joins BryoLogyx after more than 40 years at pharmaceutical…

Federal judge in NY blocks conscience protection rule for healthcare workers

Federal judge in NY blocks conscience protection rule for healthcare workers

New York City, N.Y., Nov 6, 2019-(CNA)—A federal judge in New York overturned the Trump administration’s conscience protection rule for health care workers on Wednesday. The “Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care” rule was finalized by the Department of Health and Human Services in May and set to go into effect on Nov. 22.…

Second federal court rules against HHS conscience protection rule

Second federal court rules against HHS conscience protection rule

Spokane, Wash., Nov 8, 2019- (CNA)—For the second time in two days, a federal judge on Thursday said the Trump administration’s conscience protection rule for health care workers violated the law. Judge Stanley Bastian in the Eastern District Court of Washington, an Obama appointee, ruled against the Department of Health and Human Services Nov. 7…

NY federal court ruling leaves medical professionals’ core convictions in the cold

NY federal court ruling leaves medical professionals’ core convictions in the cold

Last Wednesday, a New York federal district court issued an order to vacate a May 2019 rule issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to protect the conscience rights of health care professionals. This is unimaginable in a country founded upon, guaranteeing and listing, as our nation’s foundational document in the…

Walmart’s New Healthcare Experiment has begun

Walmart’s New Healthcare Experiment has begun

Walmart is going into price-competitive health  care. I live in exactly the right location to see the outcome of a grand experiment. The pilot Walmart Supercenter is located in Dallas, Georgia. So am I. On Friday, September 13, the CEO of Walmart cut the ribbon at the grand opening. Sadly, I only learned about this…

Good News for Catholic Physicians:  ‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

Good News for Catholic Physicians: ‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

CNA—A federal judge struck down the so-called “transgender mandate” on Tuesday, vacating an Obama-era requirement that doctors perform gender-transition surgeries upon request. Judge Reed O’Connor of the North District of Texas—who had issued a preliminary injunction on the transgender mandate at the end of 2016—struck down the mandate Oct. 15 in the case of Franciscan Alliance…

Suit challenges religious liberty of Catholic hospitals over assisted suicide

Suit challenges religious liberty of Catholic hospitals over assisted suicide

CNA—Sept 6, 2019—Denver—A Colorado man with cancer along with his doctor have filed a suit last month against a health system run by the Catholic Church. The suit alleges that hospital policy barring doctors from participating in assisted suicide violates state law. Cornelius “Neil” Mahoney, 64, was told July 16 that his cancer was incurable…

Catholic Medical Association Issues Support of the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

Catholic Medical Association Issues Support of the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

While members of Catholic Business Journal staff may have a modified view of this matter based on certain experiences and realities, we feel it is important to highlight and share what faithful Catholic, pro-life physicians advocate. Please add your comments to the matter below. —editor. The Catholic Medical Association, along with the U.S. Conference of…

A Woman Physician’s Perspective: Should Employers Pay for Abortions?

A Woman Physician’s Perspective: Should Employers Pay for Abortions?

It is almost a foregone conclusion now that employers are expected to advocate and pay for abortions. This is claimed under the rubric of “reproductive rights.” Language is everything here. As catchy as that alliteration may be, in the name of accuracy we should be clear that the deliberate termination of fetal life is not…

More than 2,200 remains of aborted children found at former home of Illinois abortion doctor

More than 2,200 remains of aborted children found at former home of Illinois abortion doctor

CNA—An investigation has been launched by police after more than 2,000 remains of aborted children were found at the former home of late-term abortionist Dr. Ulrich “George” Klopfer in Will County, Illinois.  Klopfer passed away on September 3. Nine days later, an attorney representing his family contacted the Will County coroner’s office, reporting that “medically preserved fetal…

Who is your doctor? No, Seriously, …Who?

Who is your doctor? No, Seriously, …Who?

People used to know who their doctor was. His name and phone number were on the wall or the refrigerator next to the telephone. He was there for you and could manage most of your problems. When I was about 13, my mom took me to our pediatrician for belly pain. He was on his…

Why primary care costs a trillion dollars more than it should

Why primary care costs a trillion dollars more than it should

A cartoon featured in The Greeneville Sun on Father’s Day weekend was both sad and sobering. A young girl was shown graciously offering Uncle Sam a gift exclaiming, “Happy Father’s Day! I got you something,” only to be handed a gigantic ball and chain from Uncle Sam complete with leg iron stating, “$21 TRILLION NATIONAL…

Choose American-made medicine, not socialized medicine

Choose American-made medicine, not socialized medicine

Through social media and political rallies, proponents of Medicare for All are touting the benefits of a single-payer universal health care system for America. But socializing medicine bit by bit, as the Affordable Care Act has done, or in one fell swoop, such as Medicare for All would do, certainly isn’t the answer. Unfortunately, the…

HHS delays new conscience rights protections

HHS delays new conscience rights protections

CNA—A rule to protect the conscience rights of medical professionals will be delayed until the end of November, the Department of Health and Human Services announced July 1.  The administration said that the new rule, which would cover doctors and other medical practitioners objecting to procedures like abortion, sterilization, or facilitating euthanasia, is being held…

Pope Francis tells medical professionals to defend life

Pope Francis tells medical professionals to defend life

Vatican City, May 17, 2019 / 12:00 pm (CNA)– Pope Francis Friday encouraged medical professionals to defend and promote life, highlighting the practice of conscientious objection in today’s healthcare environment. “Defend and promote life, starting from those who are most defenseless or in need of assistance because they are sick, or elderly, or marginalized,” Pope…

Doctor prohibited from offering low-cost MRIs sues state

Doctor prohibited from offering low-cost MRIs sues state

Would you rather pay $2,000 or $500?   As reported by the Samaritan Ministries health-sharing group and the Reason Foundation, a serious question needs to be addressed: Should a licensed doctor have to ask the government and industry competitors for permission before purchasing potentially life-saving medical equipment? That’s the question at issue in a new lawsuit…

The Entrepreneurial Founders of Catholic Healthcare in America

The Entrepreneurial Founders of Catholic Healthcare in America

Dick Lyles interviews Mary Jo Potter regarding the entrepreneurial founders of Catholic healthcare in America — the sacrifice and whole-hearted commitment of the early Catholic religious orders who made it possible. Ms. Potter is a devout Catholic, strongly pro-life and for many years she served as a Member of Board of Stewardship Trustee of Catholic…

Doctor Describes Miracle in AIDS Treatment: Affirms Benedict XVI’s View on Halting Disease

Doctor Describes Miracle in AIDS Treatment: Affirms Benedict XVI’s View on Halting Disease

VATICAN CITY, OCT. 12, 2009 (Zenit.org).- A doctor dedicated to helping African AIDS patients is affirming that these people are “coming back to life,” but adds that he sees an even greater miracle in his work. Doctor Elard Alumando (pictured above), the director of DREAM — Drug Resource Enhancement against AIDS and Malnutrition — in…

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