Harvard-educated Muslim leader: Why can’t I criticize my religion?

Harvard-educated Muslim leader: Why can’t I criticize my religion?

I refuse to be apologetic for radical Islam in the West. I refuse to gloss over the darkest consequences to which rampant extremism has led. I do not waffle beneath the idea of multiculturalism or tolerance; some things are not meant to be tolerated. The message of the apologists is clear: Get in line. Send…

Nigerian bishops: Prayer, especially the rosary, will ‘save our country’

Nigerian bishops: Prayer, especially the rosary, will ‘save our country’

ACI Prensa—Benin City, Nigeria—In a strong critique of Nigeria’s governing administration, the country’s Catholic bishops have said that Nigeria must find a new approach to self-governance as it prepares for its 2019 general election. The bishops added that prayer for Nigeria is essential to the country’s future. “As we look forward to the elections of…

Common Sense and Candor? Four Hopes for the USCCB Meeting in November

Common Sense and Candor? Four Hopes for the USCCB Meeting in November

NCRegister—The victims of this abuse, and all those scandalized by it, deserve the bishops’ very best efforts — Like many in the Church from both the clergy and laity, I am increasingly shocked by the depths of the crisis before us. Every day seems to bring forth new allegations of sexual immorality or the cover-up…

Your Chance to Change the Course of History Now

Your Chance to Change the Course of History Now

Crisis Magazine—I dare say that most people who have read history would like to think that if they had been present at some pivotal point in history, they would have chosen the right side—with the Allies and against the Axis, with Wilberforce and against the slave traders, with the Romans and against the child-sacrificing Carthaginians.…

Pope Francis says Church Has More Martyrs Today Than in First Centuries

Pope Francis says Church Has More Martyrs Today Than in First Centuries

Christian Post—Despite the chronicle of horrific deaths suffered by early Christians during the vaunted “Age of Martyrs” Pope Francis said on the Feast of St. Stephen last year that the church has more martyrs today than the early church did.  His words bear repeating today. In remarks to thousands of pilgrims who had gathered in…

Largest fire in CA history claims another life: Fire Battalion Chief Matthew Burchett

Largest fire in CA history claims another life: Fire Battalion Chief Matthew Burchett

California fires claim yet another life, that of Fire Battalion Chief Matthew Burchett, a more than 20-year firefighter veteran who traveled with a crew from Utah to join a record number of firefighters from California and other states to battle California’s wildfires this summer.  As if the upheaval and shock of fleeing one’s home with…

America Quiet on the Execution of Afghan Christian Said Musa

America Quiet on the Execution of Afghan Christian Said Musa

Hudson Institute — A terrible drama is unfolding in Afghanistan: There are reports that Said Musa, whose situation I described at Christmas, will soon be executed for the ‘crime’ of choosing to become a Christian. (For background, see here.) Musa was one of about 25 Christians arrested on May 31, 2010, after a May 27 Noorin…

Nearly 100 Catholic business professionals make Consecration New Year’s Day!

Nearly 100 Catholic business professionals make Consecration New Year’s Day!

Nearly 100 Catholic business professionals, from all across the U.S. and several from Canada, made St. Louis de Montfort’s Consecration to Jesus through Mary on the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, January 1, 2010.  Imagine how these individuals will impact their workplace, companies, families, and their other spheres of influence over the course of…

The Principles of Microfinance: Changing, Saving lives!

The Principles of Microfinance: Changing, Saving lives!

by Marc D’Silva  Empowering Women through Microfinance One Billion People Struggle to Survive on Less than a Dollar a Day Imagine trying to get through the day without spending more than one dollar.  No latte.  No newspaper.  No taxi.  Most of us living in the United States will never have to face such a daunting…

Saint Padre Pio on The Immaculate Conception

Saint Padre Pio on The Immaculate Conception

The Three Divine Persons imbue this sublime creature with all her privileges, her favors, and her graces, and with all of her holiness.  The Eternal Father created her pure and immaculate and is well pleased in her for she is the worthy dwelling of his only Son. Through the generating of his Son in his…

Religious sisters to distribute Christmas parcels in impoverished northern Iraq

Religious sisters to distribute Christmas parcels in impoverished northern Iraq

Unbeknownst to many it seems, there are less than 420,000 Chaldean Catholics in Iraq, which equals 1.7 percent of Iraq’s total population. The Church in Iraq has suffered greatly at the hands of radical Islamic violence including the murder of priests such as Father Ragheed Aziz Ganni and two subdeacons on June 3, 2007 and…

Powerful Reality & Prayers: The Holy Souls in Purgatory!

Powerful Reality & Prayers: The Holy Souls in Purgatory!

November 2, All Souls Day, the one day in the calendar year that we Catholics pay special attention to critical need to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  On this day, all Masses are offered for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and it remains a Holy Day of Obligation. To supplement what we hear…

Breaking News: Rome Opens Door to Anglicans

Breaking News: Rome Opens Door to Anglicans

In an unprecedented and carefully coordinated simultaneously timed announcement from both Rome and London, the Vatican opened its doors in a wide embrace of Anglican laity, priests and bishops who wish to enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.  The official release from the Vatican, with Catholic Business Journal editorial highlights and subheads…

Catholics for the Common Good Organization Laments CA Governor Latest Undermining of Marriage

Catholics for the Common Good Organization Laments CA Governor Latest Undermining of Marriage

CA Governor Signs Bill Recognizing Out-of-State Same Sex “Marriages” by Bill May Late Sunday night, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger further undermined marriage and the family in California by signing SB 54, a bill to recognize same-sex “marriages” in California that were performed in other states or countries. With the Governor’s signature, out-of-state same-sex “marriages” performed prior…

Saints “Go Against the Flow”

Saints “Go Against the Flow”

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a saint?  Yes, following whatever Our Lord invites us to embrace, of course.  But doesn’t it often seem like the most reasonable course of action, especially in controversial situations, is the “middle road?”  But, who defines the “middle”—is it culture? peers? media? Pope Benedict XVI culls…

Five New Saints Canonized!

Five New Saints Canonized!

From the Vatican: VATICAN CITY(VIS)—At 10 a.m. today the Holy Father celebrated the Eucharist in the Vatican Basilica. During the ceremony he canonised five blesseds: Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski, Polish former archbishop of Warsaw and founder of the Congregation of Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary; Francesc Coll y Guitart, Spanish professed priest of the…

Confessions of a Basilica Confessor

Confessions of a Basilica Confessor

Dominican Priest Shares View From Confession Box By Carmen Elena Villa ROME, OCT. 2, 2009 (Zenit.org).- They have a fixed schedule, a day of rest, and a couple of hours for lunch. Their office is not a desk with a computer, but a confessional. They are the basilica confessors, those priests assigned a special ministry…

Vietnam: Church-Defending Blogger Disappears: Clarifies Pope’s Words Amid Government Distortion

Vietnam: Church-Defending Blogger Disappears: Clarifies Pope’s Words Amid Government Distortion

In this age of globalization and a lack of regard (to put it mildly) for the dignity of the human person and lack of respect for the unborn and elderly, each person individually created in God’s own image and each one destined for fulfillment only in Him, it seems to us important for Catholic business…

Saintly Examples for the Laity

Saintly Examples for the Laity

Short Address by Pope Benedict XVI Recently, Pope Benedict XVI gave a particularly poignant address regarding our obligations as Christian laity to the crowd who had joined to praythe midday Angelus at the papal summer residence, Castel Gandolfo, Italy. Here is a translation from ZENIT: “Intimately Connected and Mutually Illuminate Each Other” [At the end…

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