Project Rachel founder to receive Evangelium Vitae Medal

Project Rachel founder to receive Evangelium Vitae Medal

South Bend, Ind., Oct 7, 2019 —CNA— The University of Notre Dame announced Sunday that Vicki Thorn will receive the 2020 Notre Dame Evangelium Vitae Medal in recognition of her pro-life efforts. Thorn, founder of Project Rachel and executive director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, will receive the award at an…

‘If we are spiritually sterile, we will have no future,’ bishop tells Ruthenian eparchy

‘If we are spiritually sterile, we will have no future,’ bishop tells Ruthenian eparchy

This bishop is inspiring and practical! – CBJ ed.   CNA—In many ways the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma, a local Church of the Byzantine rite in the midwestern United States, faces the same problems as the Church throughout the world: shrinking and aging parishes, fallout from scandals, financial strain. But they feel them perhaps all the…

A World of Difference: Clear communication vs Lukewarm statements

A World of Difference: Clear communication vs Lukewarm statements

God spat out the lukewarm. He was very clear there was no place for the lukewarm in His Kingdom.  For most of us, that’s typically where the matter ends.  Stand up for principles that matter, don’t be a doormat, and get on with life.  But as a young professional, I’ve begun to notice how often…

This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

The Sexual Revolution must be understood as a process, or else it becomes incomprehensible. Those who promote it will never be satisfied with its present phase. They will always be pushing the envelope to the next new aberration. Few people ask, however, what the next new sexual frontier will be. No one should be shocked…

The U.S. and the Reparations Quandary: Are we really worse than other nations?

The U.S. and the Reparations Quandary: Are we really worse than other nations?

NY Times: “The inaction of Great Britain …. has been not only absurd, but almost criminal.” The recent talks on Capitol Hill about reparations for African American slavery has reignited the topic across the country. Generally, politicians on one side are in favor of monetary reparations to be paid to current descendants of former slaves…

Italian nun honored in U.S., advises what we can do to fight human trafficking

Italian nun honored in U.S., advises what we can do to fight human trafficking

CNA—Human trafficking is “happening closer to us than we think,” and Catholic groups are increasingly committed to fighting it through advocacy, prayer and action, global anti-trafficking leader Sister Gabriella Bottani, S.M.C., has said. “What we should do, more and more, is to be aware and to try to understand what trafficking is in our reality,…

Archbshp Chaput: The West has forgotten its roots: Understand our role as Christians

Archbshp Chaput: The West has forgotten its roots: Understand our role as Christians

CNA – The once Christian culture of the West has forgotten its roots, Archbishop Charles Chaput said Friday, warning that basic principles of human dignity and freedom are now at risk. The leader of the Philadelphia archdiocese told an April 12 gathering of priests, seminarians, and lay people at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary’s Bishops…

Chicago Catholic Pastor Won’t Apologize for Louis Farrakhan’s Anti-Sematic speech on “Satanic Jews”

Chicago Catholic Pastor Won’t Apologize for Louis Farrakhan’s Anti-Sematic speech on “Satanic Jews”

You just can’t make this stuff up (sadly).  Although Chicago’s Archbishop Cardinal Blaise Cupich was forced to apologize to the city’s Jewish community, the pastor who invited Louis Farrakhan to his parish refuses to do so.  Louis Farrakhan Delivers Anti-Semitic Speech About ‘Satanic Jews’ At Chicago Catholic Church, Pastor Won’t Apologize… Read More>>

Arizona legislature adopts resolution calling pornography a public health crisis

Arizona legislature adopts resolution calling pornography a public health crisis

CNA—The Arizona legislature has passed a resolution declaring pornography a public health crisis and a danger to mental and physical health. House Concurrent Resolution 2009 was approved 16-13 by the state senate May 6. It was passed by the Arizona House Feb. 25. The measure does not ban adult material, but rather makes a public…

Sri Lanka Bombings: Why Big Media used term ‘Easter Worshipper’ and Why it matters

Sri Lanka Bombings: Why Big Media used term ‘Easter Worshipper’ and Why it matters

Daily Wire—I have been a Christian all my life and if I’ve ever heard the term “Easter worshipper,” or something like it, it would have been in reference to Christians who only go to church on Christmas and Easter. Generally we call those types “Christmas and Easter Christians” or “CEOs” (Christmas and Easter Only). But…

Keepers of the Faith and Culture

Keepers of the Faith and Culture

We sure live in perplexing times.  I think we will make it through, barely…. sometimes crawling and clinging, God willing, we will get to the finish line, dusty but intact. I worry deeply about my grandson’s generation and those following, who will have only grown up in a society where relationship to and confidence in…

Court rules against Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia

Court rules against Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia

CNA—After a yearlong legal struggle, a federal appeals court has ruled that city contractors in Philadelphia must place foster children with same-sex couples, a ruling that threatens the future of the local Catholic archdiocese’s foster placement program. “We’re disappointed that the court decided to let the city place politics above the needs of kids and…

Benedict’s Essay: The Voice of a True Father

Benedict’s Essay: The Voice of a True Father

Crisis—Why the uproar from some Catholic pundits regarding the recently released essay on the abuse crisis from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI? I think it’s pretty simple—regardless of what else one thinks of Benedict (and most of the critics were never fans of his), he speaks and writes with a voice that is truly paternal. The…

Can’t Make This Up: Catholic Journalist in Britain targeted for allegedly “misgendering” (the truth is jaw-dropping, unimaginable)

Can’t Make This Up: Catholic Journalist in Britain targeted for allegedly “misgendering” (the truth is jaw-dropping, unimaginable)

Imagine reading in history books that there was a once a civilization in which mothers would castrate their teenage sons in the name of transgender identity, would be praised for imposing such a permanent, life-altering action on their child, and would publicly share details of the entire ordeal and promote its benefits.  Just a few…

Whistleblower leaks from Google ‘diversity training’ workbook: gender ‘socially constructed’

Whistleblower leaks from Google ‘diversity training’ workbook: gender ‘socially constructed’

LifeSiteNews—The Google employee who recently shed light on multiple aspects of the internet giant’s liberal leanings is back with another example, this time leaking two pages he says are from the company’s ideologically charged “diversity training” materials. Mike Wacker is a Google software engineer LifeSiteNews covered earlier this month for a series of tweets in…

Europe Fed-Up:  Migrant Muslim “Welcome Mat” Shut Down in  Austria, Italy and More

Europe Fed-Up: Migrant Muslim “Welcome Mat” Shut Down in Austria, Italy and More

The unrestrained migration of hundreds of thousands of mostly Muslim immigrants into European countries the last few years—most notably in Germany, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed more than a million Syrian refugees to pour into the country’s cities and towns, but also in other European countries—seems to have come to an abrupt about-face.  This…

U.S. bishops react to McCarrick Laicization

U.S. bishops react to McCarrick Laicization

CNA—Bishops from across the United States have reacted to the news that Theodore McCarrick has been found guilty of sexual abuse and expelled from the clerical state. The disgraced former cardinal and archbishop of Washington and Newark was found guilty in a Vatican decision announced Saturday. A Vatican administrative penal process concluded that McCarrick had…

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McCarrick permanently stripped of ministry and clerical state

McCarrick permanently stripped of ministry and clerical state

CNA—The Archdiocese of Newark released a list of names of credibly accused clergy on Wednesday, including disgraced former archbishop of the diocese Theodore McCarrick. The archdiocese listed McCarrick as “permanently removed from ministry,” although a final verdict is still pending in his canonical process. On Feb. 13, all the Catholic dioceses of New Jersey released…

Two High School Students show Catholic Entrepreneurial Spirit in Eagle Scout project

Two High School Students show Catholic Entrepreneurial Spirit in Eagle Scout project

CNA—When two Michigan high school students were planning for a community service project, they decided they wanted to help younger children learn to pray. So, they fund-raised, designed, and managed the construction of a chapel and Marian shrine for the local Catholic middle school. Adam Sprague is a junior and Jacob Thome is a freshman…

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