Human Dignity and the Purpose of Capitalism

Human Dignity and the Purpose of Capitalism

In a recent First Things article titled “What is Economics For,” Senator Marco Rubio explains how the teachings of the Catholic Church on the dignity of work and workers can rebuild the American economy. Rubio begins his article by quoting Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum: “Work and working people have a fundamental dignity that all societies are bound to respect and…

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal and Other Pan-Amazon Synod Reflections

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal and Other Pan-Amazon Synod Reflections

(Catholic Business Journal may or may not agree fully with the opinions expressed in this article and those referenced at the end,  however we do believe these articles make very important points worth considering, especially by Catholic business leaders—See first article below and others at the end —ed.) Catholic doctrine teaches that both poverty and…

Why Bernie Sanders’ ‘overpopulation’ theory is total bunk

Why Bernie Sanders’ ‘overpopulation’ theory is total bunk

We feel this article is important for Catholic business professionals because as president of the Population Research Institute and, long ago when he was a Stanford University grad student, as the first to break first-hand, boots-on-the-ground news of China’s shocking and brutal one-child policy, Catholic author Steven Mosher is particularly well-positioned to talk about themes…

The Catholic case for the free market

The Catholic case for the free market

As history has proved and previous popes have noted, no economic system is better at lifting people out of poverty and providing work — and in the process, offering human dignity — than the free market. First posted Sept 23, 2015 on CNN, this Op.Ed piece is as relevant now as then, and expresses the…

CUA’s Abela Claims Today’s Defense of Capitalism is Missing the Mark

CUA’s Abela Claims Today’s Defense of Capitalism is Missing the Mark

Special to the Catholic Business Journal—2019 Napa Institute, Napa, CA—Dr. Andrew Abela, in a keynote talk at the just completed Annual Napa Institute, said that we have taken the bait and are trying to defend something that cannot be defended. Capitalism, a term created by Karl Marx as an “ism,” is ambiguous and does not…

What’s Wrong with Socialism?

What’s Wrong with Socialism?

Any serious Catholic business professional, especially business owners, know how profoundly government affects business, work, profit, property ownership, taxation, regulations, R&D, and more. Much more, including freedom of lifestyle and choices, and even freedom of religious practices.  But many U.S. citizens today — most likely due to stunted elementary and college education, politically correct social…

‘Damn socialism, why are you chasing me?’ Chinese-Americans see ghost of communism in Democrats’ leftward turn

‘Damn socialism, why are you chasing me?’ Chinese-Americans see ghost of communism in Democrats’ leftward turn

As Catholic business professionals living our faith and doing business in today’s global culture and workplace environment, it is imperative that we clearly know the difference between socialism, communism and capitalism. It’s also critical that we know why Popes throughout the ages have repeatedly condemned the severely individual-ignoring, freedom-restricting, government-imposing principles of socialism and communism.…

Medicine, Religion, Ethics, Professionalism : Seton Hall Seminarian Andrew DeSilva Reflects on Ethics Fellowship at Auschwitz

Medicine, Religion, Ethics, Professionalism : Seton Hall Seminarian Andrew DeSilva Reflects on Ethics Fellowship at Auschwitz

During the 2019 Days of Holocaust Remembrance, Deacon Andrew J. De Silva, a seminarian who completed his fourth-year of theology studies at the Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University, reflected on his Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE). The two-week program challenges its participants to reflect on the role of…

What “Deep Christian Convictions” of “Democratic Socialism”?

What “Deep Christian Convictions” of “Democratic Socialism”?

Catholic business professionals are not politicians, and yet we (and our businesses, principles of Faith and livlihoods) are on the front lines of most politically-motivated law or issue.  Increasingly these issues seem to be pointing to Capitalism vs. Socialism, a topic about which several popes through the ages have issued brilliantly addressed encyclicals.  We need…

Venezuelan National Guard attacks Catholic Church, Bishop Speaks Out

Venezuelan National Guard attacks Catholic Church, Bishop Speaks Out

San Cristobal, Venezuela, May 2, 2019—CNA—Members of the Venezuelan National Guard attacked a Catholic church in San Cristobal Wednesday, amid nationwide protests against the socialist government of president Nicolas Maduro. Bishop Mario del Valle Moronta Rodriguez of San Cristóbal de Venezuela said May 1 that “this afternoon a horde of Bolivarian National Guardsmen attacked Our…

U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Conviction of Veteran Fined and Jailed for Digging Ponds on his Rural Montana Property

U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Conviction of Veteran Fined and Jailed for Digging Ponds on his Rural Montana Property

Judicial Watch announced today that the Supreme Court of the United States has overturned a lower court decision affirming the conviction of Joseph Robertson, a 78-year-old veteran now deceased who was sentenced to prison for digging ditches on his rural Montana property to protect the area surrounding his home from wildfires. Judicial Watch had filed an amicus curiae brief jointly with…

National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference Condemn Socialism: Urgently Call on Venezuela Socialist Dictator Madura to Step Down

National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference Condemn Socialism: Urgently Call on Venezuela Socialist Dictator Madura to Step Down

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico– It is estimated that there are between 17,000 and 20,000 evangelical churches in Venezuela. Speaking directly to these churches and to Venezuelans who have been driven from their home country due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez issues the following statement on behalf of the National Hispanic Christian…

Jay Richards and The Dignity of Work in our Technological Age

Jay Richards and The Dignity of Work in our Technological Age

Jay Richards, a prolific author and a research assistant professor at the Busch School of Business at Catholic University of America, dealt with uniquely 21st century aspects of work, as he spoke to the situation of the human worker in an increasingly technological world during the week-long Napa Institute Conference in Washington DC recently. The…

California Burns, Tragedy Acute: 48 Confirmed Dead so far, Wildfires out of control, FEMA link

California Burns, Tragedy Acute: 48 Confirmed Dead so far, Wildfires out of control, FEMA link

Amid the ongoing multitude of  individual tragedies associated with the deadliest wildfire in California history (in northern CA) and the additional out-of-control inferno in southern California, Catholic Business Journal has culled some of the best, top stories that capture the magnitude and impact of what is going on in California as we write. On Tuesday,…

Change Your Forecasting Method to go from Business Failure to Sweet Success

Change Your Forecasting Method to go from Business Failure to Sweet Success

Matthew Garrett delivers another key component of financial success for struggling entrepreneurs, again published in Forbes. We felt it delivers important simplicity and content to those great Catholic business warriors who nonetheless lack a sufficient, strong anchor in financial understanding. Read on! -ed. Every business starts out with optimistic spreadsheet projections of profit and success.…

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