Pope Benedict XVI cautions against dangers of Marxist liberation theology

Pope Benedict XVI cautions against dangers of Marxist liberation theology

Vatican City, Dec 7, 2009 / 11:42 am (CNA).- In a meeting with a group of Brazilian bishops on Saturday, the Holy Father warned of the dangers of Marxist liberation theology and noted its grave consequences for ecclesial communities. During the ad limina visit, the Pope recalled that “last August marked 25 years since the…

Q&A: Working with a Chameleon

Q&A: Working with a Chameleon

Dear Dick: I’m a confidential secretary. The problem is my boss. In an effort to please people, she tells them what they want to hear. This means that many times she is untruthful, telling one person one story and another person a story that conflicts dramatically. These are not minor variations of the same story,…

A Welcome from Catholic Business Journal’s Chaplain

A Welcome from Catholic Business Journal’s Chaplain

Greetings and peace. As the chaplain for the new Catholic Business Journal, I would like to welcome you to this excellent online resource for timely and appropriate business information brought to you with a Catholic perspective. In my column I hope to provide thoughtful reflections from my own experience as a monk, priest, and CEO.…

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