Full Text: Pope Francis’ In-flight Press Conference after Historic Papal Visit to Iraq

Full Text: Pope Francis’ In-flight Press Conference after Historic Papal Visit to Iraq

Below is the full text of the inflight interview between Pope Francis and news media en route from from the Holy Father’s historic visit to Irac Baghdad, Iraq, to Rome, Italy that took place March 8, 2021, provided courtesy of CNA: Pope Francis: First of all, thank you for your work, your company, your fatigue.…

House passes Equality Act, which bishops warned would ‘punish’ religious groups

House passes Equality Act, which bishops warned would ‘punish’ religious groups

CNA—The House on Thursday passed the Equality Act, a bill that the U.S. bishops have warned would trample religious freedom protections while codifying gender ideology in federal law. By a vote of 224 to 206, the House passed the Equality Act only six days after it was introduced on Feb. 18. The legislation, sponsored by…

So-called “Equality Act” is Just the Opposite

So-called “Equality Act” is Just the Opposite

On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the deceptively named ‘Equality Act,’ legislation that could be used to restrict the religious freedom of churches and religious nonprofits including religious schools; set back protections for women on the playing field, at work, and in private spaces like showers and locker rooms; as well as inhibit…

Open Letter to Employees of Silicon Valley by Veterans for Free Speech

Open Letter to Employees of Silicon Valley by Veterans for Free Speech

To Employees of Silicon Valley: We are retired and/or career military officers.  We will not share our names.  Nor will we share our ranks. Opinions are hazardous to professional success in the US military.  We are not willing to take that chance. Suffice to say we share your shock at the events of 06 January…

Trump’s Former Chief of HHS’ Office of Civil Rights Explains His Lawsuit Against the Biden Administration

Trump’s Former Chief of HHS’ Office of Civil Rights Explains His Lawsuit Against the Biden Administration

Roger Severino, the outgoing director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Civil Rights, stepped down from his high-profile role last month, after launching a new division dedicated to the protection of conscience rights and religious freedom. A Catholic pro-life lawyer, Severino is OCR’s longest-serving director in the past three decades…

A Step Forward in the Protection of Basic Rights

A Step Forward in the Protection of Basic Rights

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s injunction issued late last night (2-5-21) in South Bay United Pentecostal Church, et. al striking down California’s blanket ban on indoor worship. “This is a very significant step forward for basic rights. This decision makes clear we can now return to…

Victory for Religious Freedom in New York

Victory for Religious Freedom in New York

(January 8, 2021 – New York, New York) Religious freedom received validation this week from the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in the case of two Catholic priests, two Catholic school students, and four Orthodox Jewish individuals who are suing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Thomas More Society attorneys are representing…

David Shestokas:  Ten People Who Need to Know that America is Watching Them

David Shestokas: Ten People Who Need to Know that America is Watching Them

For a little background on David Shestokas, he is an attorney licensed in IL and FL and author of Constitutional Sound Bites .He earned his B.A. in Political Science from Bradley University and J.D. from The John Marshall Law School, cum laude, while serving on the The John Marshall Law Review. He studied law at…

Focused Protection from COVID-19: The Great Barrington Declaration

Focused Protection from COVID-19: The Great Barrington Declaration

“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.”  So reads the opening statement of the Great Barrington Declaration. From October 1-4, 2020, the American Institute for Economic Research hosted a…

Trouble in Paradise: Hawaiian court to consider whether baseless lawsuit against Oahu churches will continue

Trouble in Paradise: Hawaiian court to consider whether baseless lawsuit against Oahu churches will continue

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing two Hawaii churches are well-prepared for this Friday’s hearing (December 4, 2020) in state trial court regarding a baseless lawsuit that two atheists filed before leaving the state years ago. The two activists filed suit to oust the churches since they didn’t like that local public schools allowed the two…

See and Hear for Yourself – A Taste of Election Realities: The Long Tail

See and Hear for Yourself – A Taste of Election Realities: The Long Tail

Even in a world bombarded with sound bytes and tweets, the long tail story — the truth — still wins the day.  Eventually those who care about the truth of an issue want to know the full story, the true story. And those who care about truth will search beyond mainstream news and agenda-driven “infomercials”…

COVID-19 Vaccines Pave the Way for a New Frontier in Surveillance

COVID-19 Vaccines Pave the Way for a New Frontier in Surveillance

“Man’s conquest of Nature, if the dreams of some scientific planners are realized, means the rule of a few hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men.” —C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man The Rutherford Institute—Like it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic with its veiled threat of forced vaccinations, contact tracing, and genetically…

Hong Kong democracy protestors sentenced to months in prison

Hong Kong democracy protestors sentenced to months in prison

CNA—Three Hong Kong pro-democracy activists, including a Catholic university student, were sentenced to prison on Wednesday for participating in illegal protests. Democracy activists Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, and Ivan Lam were sentenced to 13.5 months, 10 months, and 7 months, respectively, in prison. They had each pled guilty last month to taking part in an…

Vancouver archbishop criticizes pandemic restrictions on Masses

Vancouver archbishop criticizes pandemic restrictions on Masses

Archbishop Michael Miller of Vancouver expressed disappointment with the government’s decision to ban religious services as part of a plan to curb the pandemic in British Columbia. During Sunday Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver, Miller said religious institutions are not being treated fairly compared to the other establishments. “As I mentioned in the…

Brooklyn Bishop DiMarcio fed up with Cuomo

Brooklyn Bishop DiMarcio fed up with Cuomo

New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have met his match in the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn, led by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio. Bishop DiMarzo is asking the US Supreme Court to strike down Cuomo’s Oct. 6 executive order virtually shutting down houses of worship in areas of Brooklyn and Queens. Cuomo’s order, which…

Justice Alito is right: The pandemic brought an assault on our basic rights

Justice Alito is right: The pandemic brought an assault on our basic rights

New York Post—The usual mainstream-media suspects wasted no time in blasting as inappropriate Samuel Alito’s address last week to the Federalist ­Society. Which is another way of saying they didn’t like what he had to say. The Supreme Court justice warned that “religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right,” that freedom of speech is…

‘We want Mass’: Catholics in France protest ban on public worship

‘We want Mass’: Catholics in France protest ban on public worship

CNA—“On veut la Messe!” (“We want Mass!) signs read as Catholics in France gathered outside churches in multiple cities this weekend calling on the government to allow them to attend Mass during the national lockdown. Protests took place across France, including in Nantes, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Rennes, and Versailles, Nov. 14 and 15. A Sunday protest…

Pastors – including Catholic priests – sue state governors for discrimination against houses of worship

Pastors – including Catholic priests – sue state governors for discrimination against houses of worship

While mainstream media and PBS news continue to stir ordinary citizens into a state of near perpetual fear with hourly news reports that drone on about new covid cases — never about the new vaccine(s) recently announced that have so far shown 93% success rates, nor about successful recovery — many many MANY people wonder……

Archbishop Coleridge speaks out after Horrific Islamic Terrorist Attacks in Catholic Church in France

Archbishop Coleridge speaks out after Horrific Islamic Terrorist Attacks in Catholic Church in France

The Catholic Leader—BRISBANE Archbishop Mark Coleridge has joined church leaders from around the world condemning the killing of three people in southern France – hacked to death in Nice’s Notre Dame Basilica while preparing for morning Mass. “Violence in the name of God is the ultimate contradiction and is utterly abhorrent, whatever historic injustices are…

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