New Pro-Life Bank Opening Soon

New Pro-Life Bank Opening Soon

Prolife Bank (proposed) is near opening.  Its distinguishing feature is that it will be a bank that refuses to support anything remotely connected with the killing of innocent unborn babies. Who knew that many of the mainstream banks with which we do business actively support causes including abortion and abortion-related nonprofits whose activities and principles…

Vatican Finances: What is the transfer of institutional cash to the Vatican “central bank” all about?

Vatican Finances: What is the transfer of institutional cash to the Vatican “central bank” all about?

CMN—A recent provision by the Secretariat for the Economy made clear that the Administration for the Patrimony of the Apostolic See manages all the Holy See’s sovereign financial activity. In short, this means that it is back to old times as far as Vatican finances are concerned. All of the accounts owned by institutional entities…

Pope Francis issues new law in wake of Vatican financial scandals

Pope Francis issues new law in wake of Vatican financial scandals

The Pillar—Pope Francis has issued a new Vatican law that aims to combat corruption by senior officials in the curia and in the city state, and that bars investments in companies or businesses “contrary to the social doctrine of the Church.” The new law also aims to end customary cash gifts exchanged among Church officials…

Vatican finances: London deal players had prior history

Vatican finances: London deal players had prior history

CNA—New details have emerged about the links between the two Italian businessmen at the center of the Vatican financial scandal. In the months before Gianluigi Torzi was asked by the Holy See to act as middle man for the final purchase of the London property at 60 Sloane Ave. from Raffaele Mincione, a company owned…

Vatican Finances: Vatican officials arrest London property broker for extortion and money laundering

Vatican Finances: Vatican officials arrest London property broker for extortion and money laundering

CNA—The Holy See press office announced Friday that Italian businessman Gianluigi Torzi has been arrested after he was interrogated as part of a Vatican financial investigation. Torzi played a crucial role in the controversial purchase of a London property development by the Secretariat of State. “Today the Office of the Promoter of Justice of the…

Find Out if You Qualify for a newly designated SBA Loan due to virus-related shutdowns, and Don’t Wait to Apply

Find Out if You Qualify for a newly designated SBA Loan due to virus-related shutdowns, and Don’t Wait to Apply

If you qualify for a hardship loan for your business due to consequences of attempts to halt rapid acceleration of spread of coronavirus COVID-19, don’t wait to begin the application process. Here are some important links you’ll need: Disaster Loan Assistance: Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters – Fact Sheet

The SECURE Act and What It Could Mean for Your Retirement Planning

The SECURE Act and What It Could Mean for Your Retirement Planning

The SECURE Act (short for Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act) was signed into law by President Trump. It went into effect on Jan. 1. The SECURE Act is the most significant piece of retirement legislation since 2006 and will make it easier for tens of millions of hardworking Americans to save for…

Cardinal Pell objected to 50MM Euro Vatican hospital loan, those now embroiled in Vatican financial scandal prevailed

Cardinal Pell objected to 50MM Euro Vatican hospital loan, those now embroiled in Vatican financial scandal prevailed

Vatican City, Nov 5, 2019-CNA—A 50 million euro loan request to secure the purchase of a bankrupt hospital was vetoed by Cardinal George Pell and financial authorities at the Institute for Works of Religion, commonly called the Vatican Bank, before it was approved by the Holy See’s central bank, APSA, where the loan breached international…

Vatican cardinals linked to missing millions and financial scandal

Vatican cardinals linked to missing millions and financial scandal

Vatican City, Oct 29, 2019-CNA– An Italian dermatology hospital and two senior cardinals are at the center of a burgeoning financial scandal involving a Vatican bank, the U.S.-based Papal Foundation, and millions of euros from misallocated government grants. The events concern the financial collapse of the Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata (IDI), an Italian hospital.  According to…

Becciu says $200 million London property deal was ‘accepted practice’

Becciu says $200 million London property deal was ‘accepted practice’

CNA—Cardinal Angelo Becciu has denied any impropriety in a real estate investment made with Vatican funds and insisted that he only acted in the best interests of the Holy See. In an interview with Italian media published Tuesday, the former deputy at the Holy See’s Secretariat of State rejected any wrongdoing in the authorization of…

Vatican documents detail suspicious investments at Secretariat of State

Vatican documents detail suspicious investments at Secretariat of State

A confidential report from the Vatican’s anti-corruption authority shows that the Secretariat of State has used about $725 million, most of which came from the pope’s charity fund, in off-books operations. Italian weekly L’Espresso published a report Oct. 20, revealing information from three confidential Vatican documents, one of which is a report from the pope’s…

Cardinal Becciu at center of Vatican financial investigation

Cardinal Becciu at center of Vatican financial investigation

CNA—The recent raid of Vatican offices is connected to an investigation into charges that Vatican money financed the development of luxury properties in London, and led to a windfall for the Vatican’s investment managers, according to an Oct. 14 report from Financial Times. According to Financial Times, Vatican police and prosecutors are investigating the possibility…

Vatican prosecutors conduct raid on Secretariat of State offices

Vatican prosecutors conduct raid on Secretariat of State offices

Vatican prosecutors seized documents and electronic devices in a raid executed Tuesday at the offices of the most senior curial department. According to a statement from the Holy See press office Oct. 1, the raid was conducted at the offices of the general affairs section of the Secretariat of State. The action was authorized by…

Ex head of the Vatican bank faced threats and intimidation

Ex head of the Vatican bank faced threats and intimidation

Crux—In two recent interviews, the former president of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), better known as the Vatican Bank, spoke about the relationship between members of the Roman Curia and a failed Italian bank, the manipulation of accounts at the IOR and how working in the Vatican led him almost to lose…

Vatican Bank: Follow the Money if you can

Vatican Bank: Follow the Money if you can

On January 4, 2013, a month before Pope Benedict resigned, the Italian Central Bank turned the lights off on the entire Vatican. The Vatican no longer had the ability to make any electronic financial transactions. Italian authorities asserted that the Vatican was not in compliance with international money-laundering rules. This was a clear message that…

Papal Foundation Shaken by Scandalous Request to Fund Ailing Italian Hospital

Papal Foundation Shaken by Scandalous Request to Fund Ailing Italian Hospital

PHILADELPHIA (CNA/EWTN News)—Controversy over a $25 million grant from The Papal Foundation to a Rome hospital at the request of Pope Francis has prompted the foundation to say some claims about the issue are inaccurate, but that it will review its mission and take corrective measures where necessary.   The Philadelphia-based foundation said March 22…

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