Michael Van Hecke, Founder, Catholic Textbook Project

Michael Van Hecke, Founder, Catholic Textbook Project

It’s a commonplace in education that “a textbook is only as good as the teacher who teaches it.” But according to Michael Van Hecke (pictured above), founder of the Catholic Textbook Project, sometimes a textbook can transform a good teacher into a better teacher—or even into a great teacher. Founded in 2000, the Catholic Textbook…

Thomas Ackerman, Printer

Thomas Ackerman, Printer

By Joseph O’Brien   At a time when email, ebooks and iPhones seem to have eclipsed snail mail, paperbacks and anything in hard copy, owner and manager of Spirit Printing Services, Inc., of Chula Vista, CA, Thomas Ackerman (pictured left) has created an impressive paper trail to success. Having led the way in revolutionizing the printing…

Catholic Business Profile: Christopher Smith, Investing News Network

Catholic Business Profile: Christopher Smith, Investing News Network

Catholic business leader Christopher Smith (pictured left) first got into business to do some good in the world—and if his successful career path is any indication—he’s doing this good work extremely well. As one of the founders of Dig Media, the parent company of Investment News Network (INN), Smith manages Catholic business leader Christopher Smith (pictured left)…

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