The Mentors Radio: John Sitomer and his South Florida Council of Dads INSPIRES!

The Mentors Radio: John Sitomer and his South Florida Council of Dads INSPIRES!

You want inspiration? John Sitomer delivers in spades! As he puts it, “I spent one third of my life battling cancer. I’m thrilled it was me!” Today on THE MENTORS RADIO, Host Tom Loarie talks with John Sitomer, a fitness entrepreneur, a dad, and the founder of South Florida’s Council of Dads. For John, battling…

Finding An American Dream

Finding An American Dream

The last eight weeks have been amazingly unconventional! Nothing since March 2020 has been conventional. Covid-19 has turned everything upside down and made it topsy turvy. An amazingly unconventional time! From the ways we have operated—and had to pivot and re-think—our businesses, handled employee issues, been unable to visit in person with family and friends,…

BOOK REVIEW: Digging Your Way to a Good Life

BOOK REVIEW: Digging Your Way to a Good Life

A Book Review of Ken Rusk’s Blue Collar Cash: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness for Life— I had the good fortune of working in the construction industry as a bricklayer’s labor during my college years. It was very hard work, but it enabled me to develop physically beyond belief, work with…

How Long-Term Thinking Improves Short-Term Decision-Making

How Long-Term Thinking Improves Short-Term Decision-Making

All successful people think long-term when planning their goals and deciding on daily tasks. That’s how they manage time successfully, avoid time wasters, stop doing low level time consuming activities and maximize results. Superior thinkers have the ability to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing a task. Before taking action, we need…

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