Bud Light, Target, haven’t the Dodgers learned anything? As a sports team owner, I know better

Bud Light, Target, haven’t the Dodgers learned anything? As a sports team owner, I know better

Will the Los Angeles Dodgers ever be the same? I doubt it. One of the most-storied sports brands in history is reeling. It’s the result of management’s foolish decision to invite an anti-Catholic hate group to an LGBT Pride night, then rescind the invitation after criticism from the right, only to re-invite the group after blowback from the left.…

Would proposed Biden rule force doctors to perform transgender surgeries and abortions?

Would proposed Biden rule force doctors to perform transgender surgeries and abortions?

CNA—The Biden administration proposed a new rule this week that legal experts say, if finalized, would force hospitals and doctors to perform gender-transition surgeries and abortions. The rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revises Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to add “sexual orientation and gender identity” and…

Insurance Company vows radical new policy in response to Roe v Wade…and will help other companies do the same to encourage life!

Insurance Company vows radical new policy in response to Roe v Wade…and will help other companies do the same to encourage life!

A Texas-based insurance company—Buffer Insurance—vows to cover the birth costs of their female employees in response to the end of Roe v. Wade, condemning companies that are covering abortions. “Secular companies are paying the travel costs for employees to abort babies out-of-state,” the company posted in Facebook. “Today we are announcing that Buffer will pay…

The Catholic Investor: My Journey

The Catholic Investor: My Journey

I began transforming into a Catholic investor while working as a portfolio manager for Northwestern Mutual Life. I had been a pro-life Catholic for a long time and was serving on the Wisconsin Right to Life Board of Directors. A stockbroker I worked with regularly approached me with a new idea for a stock to…

Business and faith – they work in tandem

Business and faith – they work in tandem

I have often been asked, “Can you be a good Catholic and successful in business?” The question is posed as if there is a contradiction between the two, assuming that to be successful in America, a CEO has to compromise his faith or morals. I believe that not only are the two not mutually exclusive,…

Catholic football coach fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccine, lawyer alleges anti-religious animus

Catholic football coach fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccine, lawyer alleges anti-religious animus

CNA—The former Washington State University football coach, a Catholic, intends to sue the school after he was refused a religious exemption to the state’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate and was subsequently fired for not getting vaccinated. Nick Rolovich, a Catholic, had previously announced in July that he would not be receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but would…

BOOK REVIEW: “Take Care of the People” – Seven Decades as a Priest Devoted to Pastoral Care

BOOK REVIEW: “Take Care of the People” – Seven Decades as a Priest Devoted to Pastoral Care

As he approaches his ninth decade of life, Monsignor Hilary C. Franco, author of Bishop Sheen: Mentor and Friend, has given us a gem of his reflections, Six Popes: A Son of the Church Remembers, encompassing a distinguished life that spans his nearly 70 years as a priest. As a son of Italian immigrants from…

Free Speech and Social Media – Does Big Tech Work for the Government?

Free Speech and Social Media – Does Big Tech Work for the Government?

President Trump has filed lawsuits against Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accusing them of working with the government to censor free speech. His lawsuits raise two points: The big internet platforms are violating the First Amendment by colluding with government officials to censor unapproved ideas. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is unconstitutional in granting…

Biden Overturns Trump Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Kill Babies in Abortions

Biden Overturns Trump Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Kill Babies in Abortions

LifeSite News—In June 2020, President Donald Trump issued a pro-life rule that will protect pro-life Americans and help save babies from abortion. His administration implemented a rule to block the effects of a dangerous Obamacare provision that could be used to compel doctors to participate in abortions. Today, Joe Biden reversed it. During the trump…

Archbishop Cordileone: Pastoral Letter on Human Dignity of the Unborn, Holy Communion, and Catholics in Public Life

Archbishop Cordileone: Pastoral Letter on Human Dignity of the Unborn, Holy Communion, and Catholics in Public Life

  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew You” A Pastoral Letter on the Human Dignity of the Unborn, Holy Communion, and Catholics in Public Life By the Most Reverend Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco Download Pastoral Letter Audio Version Questions Answered The Pastoral Letter in its entirety: Introduction SECTION 1: The Human…

Coast to Coast Lawsuits: Faith and Business Leaders sue States, cite violation of Constitutional rights and freedom

Coast to Coast Lawsuits: Faith and Business Leaders sue States, cite violation of Constitutional rights and freedom

In Minnesota, a coalition of Twin Cities faith organizations and local businesses sued and called on Gov. Tim Walz to end what it calls an unconstitutional and draconian scheme to close businesses and places of worship.  This lawsuit says it all The Minnesota lawsuit states, in part, that Walz’s executive orders during the pandemic unfairly…

Catholic Men and Women Integral to the History of U.S. worthy of imitation and still honored, contrary to some current politicians’ ignorance and outcry

Catholic Men and Women Integral to the History of U.S. worthy of imitation and still honored, contrary to some current politicians’ ignorance and outcry

The foundational documents of our nation were influenced by Catholic political philosophers such as Aquinas, Suárez, Báñez, Gregory of Valencia and Saint Robert Bellarmine, who wrote before theorists like Hobbes and Rousseau. This contradicts a popular impression that democracy was the invention of the Protestant Reformation. Luther and Calvin considered popular assemblies highly suspect. The concept of…

WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2019 :  Good News, Perseverance, Enduring Hope

WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2019 : Good News, Perseverance, Enduring Hope

We are in very tumultuous times in the stock market. One day it is down 600 points and the next day it is up 1,000. But this isn’t the time to panic. After 10 years of very cheap money which has driven up asset prices, including the stock market, the Fed has been normalizing interest…

Freedom, Law and the Pursuit of Holiness

Freedom, Law and the Pursuit of Holiness

—Homily Given on the Occasion of the Annual Red Mass for the Diocese of Dallas, Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, October 13, 2018 -28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year “B”— Introduction Your Excellency Bishop Burns, Your Excellency Bishop Kelly, my brother priests, dear deacons, brothers and sisters in Christ: it is a…