Preparation, Listening, Jesus Coming and Salvation

Preparation, Listening, Jesus Coming and Salvation

It is here again in the midst of a pandemic, the treatment of which is robbing many people of enjoyment and peace in their lives. But because of Jesus there is HOPE and we must remember that “Jesus Is The Reason For The Season.” Hope: There is ALWAYS HOPE, no matter what Pat and I…

Saving More Babies’ Lives—A Remarkable New Opportunity: This is what happens when Catholic leaders lead with faith and business-savvy

Saving More Babies’ Lives—A Remarkable New Opportunity: This is what happens when Catholic leaders lead with faith and business-savvy

CBJ editor note:  At Catholic Business Journal we are committed to showcasing Catholic business men and women who vibrantly live their Catholic faith in business, at work, in their family and in their daily lives.  We are so proud to have long featured the articles and thoughts of Catholic businessman extraordinaire, Tim Von Dohlen, who…

Finding An American Dream

Finding An American Dream

The last eight weeks have been amazingly unconventional! Nothing since March 2020 has been conventional. Covid-19 has turned everything upside down and made it topsy turvy. An amazingly unconventional time! From the ways we have operated—and had to pivot and re-think—our businesses, handled employee issues, been unable to visit in person with family and friends,…

Forward Movement and Inspiration from the Holy Spirit

Forward Movement and Inspiration from the Holy Spirit

I am so thankful that the Catholic Bishops voted overwhelmingly to approve drafting a paper for consideration at their November 2021, in person, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) meeting. The damage to the Catholic Church laity caused by a small number of outspoken Cardinals and Bishops who publicly oppose Christ’s teachings is significant.…

A Plea to Catholic Bishops at the Crossroads

A Plea to Catholic Bishops at the Crossroads

I am like so many lay Catholics, regular parishioners in pews and parishes throughout the United States, who respectfully yearn to hear the voice of our bishops amid today’s various shades of increasing social upheaval and confusion—a voice anchored profoundly in the truths of Christ, His Teachings, and His Church that has safeguarded those teachings…

We Christians Face a Difficult Road Ahead

We Christians Face a Difficult Road Ahead

If someone were to tell you there is a new religion sweeping across America and the west, would you be surprised? What if that person could show you this has been in discussion since the early 20th century, would that make you start to listen? What’s Happening Has Been Planned for More than a Century…

Vatican Clarity, Bishops Consideration, God in Our Lives, and the “iY” Generation

Vatican Clarity, Bishops Consideration, God in Our Lives, and the “iY” Generation

Being in the second tier of qualification (over age 60) to get the Covid vaccine, Pat and I got our second Moderna shot just a few days before the snowstorm hit Texas.  As with many others, we both had a substantial negative reaction to the second shot, but fortunately that only lasted for 24 hours.…

Overcome Fear, Live with Hope, Love, and Faith in God

Overcome Fear, Live with Hope, Love, and Faith in God

I have not written my monthly Catholic Business Journal article since December 2020. It has taken some time for me to understand my difficulty to complete this article. For me, it was not because of Covid-19, which has had a paralyzing effect on many.  In my case, I was anticipating the outcome of the Presidential…

A Time for Hope, Belief in America’s Greatness and Being a Voice for the Unborn

A Time for Hope, Belief in America’s Greatness and Being a Voice for the Unborn

It is the time of Advent and the Gospel of Mark tells us to “Be watchful! Be alert!” This is an admonition of HOPE. Hope is defined in Wikipedia as an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the…

We Are SAFER With Trump As President, Here’s Why

We Are SAFER With Trump As President, Here’s Why

QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERS With the rioting and destruction of buildings, businesses, homes, and efforts to eliminate the police, does your family and you have the necessary safety you deserve? Is allegiance to our country and our flag respected today? Does the liberal left concern itself with protecting an individual’s freedom of conscience and religion?…

Community Unity, Ending Racism and Discrimination,  Casting Your Vote

Community Unity, Ending Racism and Discrimination, Casting Your Vote

Pat and I have recently returned from a trip to Big Sky, Montana, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton National Parks where we took our two recent high school graduate grandchildren – Logan Elisabeth Denmon and Wilson Luke Von Dohlen. This is a tradition for us as each of our 16 grandchildren accomplish graduation from high school.…

Reject Racism, But Know What You Are Supporting

Reject Racism, But Know What You Are Supporting

There’s nothing like sitting outside on the 4th of July, the birthday of the United States, listening to great patriotic music and hearing a new Lee Greenwood song. Yes, I missed watching the traditional parade due to Covid-19 concerns, but I find myself thinking of all the blessings that my family and I enjoy; things…

We Trust

We Trust

Even though I am following those tips I had for you last month about vision and wisely using our time during our shelter in place situation, I still sought inspiration to get me started for this month’s article. I never have been in a situation before where I had to ask my wife, Pat, to…

Coronavirus – Be Not Afraid – With God All Things Are Possible

Coronavirus – Be Not Afraid – With God All Things Are Possible

I could never have fathomed all the things that have happened in our country during March 2020. I must admit that particularly over the last two weeks, I have been in somewhat of a “funk” because of the Coronavirus pandemic and all the uncertainty surrounding it. The news cycles on TV have been bad for…

My Opinion – Your Vote – America’s Future 2020

My Opinion – Your Vote – America’s Future 2020

In case you haven’t noticed, we are in a big year for Texas and national politics – it’s election season. Here are some questions to ponder:   How can I best know for whom to vote?  As a Catholic, are there some voting guidelines we can follow?  What authority do Church leaders have regarding politics…

LOOKING AHEAD – Be Positive, Take Risks, Take Action

LOOKING AHEAD – Be Positive, Take Risks, Take Action

I still believe in New Year’s Resolutions. There are those who say don’t worry about New Year’s Resolutions because you don’t keep them anyway. My view is (1) even if you do not keep them they have caused you to think about where you need improvement in your life, and (2) whatever positive outcome occurs…

The Magic of Christmas

The Magic of Christmas

Christmas is my favorite holiday and season of the year. Music adds so much to the magic of Christmas. We know that the first Christmas was the miracle of Christ’s birth to the Virgin Mary for the salvation of souls – God’s gift to the whole world of His only son Jesus Christ. Music lifts…

How A Vision Can Become A Reality

How A Vision Can Become A Reality

In my last article we looked at forming and accomplishing your vision, more on that later, and not worrying about being a people-pleaser. This month we look at someone whose actions demonstrate she cares more about the truth and doing what is right rather than worrying about what someone will think or say about her…

Reject People-Pleasing, Follow these Stages to Achieve Your Vision

Reject People-Pleasing, Follow these Stages to Achieve Your Vision

It is time for us to look at some of the things influencing good, God-fearing people in the United States and to identify what is holding them back from taking action to accomplish an objective or preventing them from being people who don’t just know their faith but live their faith outwardly. Two of these…

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