The Laity and The Crisis

The Laity and The Crisis

Can a one-day conference at a university breathe life into a cause that lately appears to have stalled: involving the Catholic laity in ending the crisis of authority and trust afflicting the Church in the wake of the sex abuse scandal? If not, here’s hoping that at least it points a way out of the…

Primacy vs. synodality

Something that happened at a bishops’ meeting nearly half a century ago raises questions about the Vatican’s action last month telling the U.S. bishops to cancel a scheduled vote on two proposals for self-policing on sex abuse. It also illustrates the built-in tension between two interlocking principles – “primacy” and “synodality” – that today are…

WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2019 :  Good News, Perseverance, Enduring Hope

WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2019 : Good News, Perseverance, Enduring Hope

We are in very tumultuous times in the stock market. One day it is down 600 points and the next day it is up 1,000. But this isn’t the time to panic. After 10 years of very cheap money which has driven up asset prices, including the stock market, the Fed has been normalizing interest…

Christmas is to Save us

Christmas is to Save us

As practicing Roman Catholics, the title may seem obvious. Of course, Jesus Christ became flesh and blood so that He could die on the Cross and save us from Original Sin. This may lead us to wonder why we celebrate this Feast of the birth of Christ with so much festivity, while the Easter Triduum…

Question: “Why do no miracles occur nowadays?”

Question: “Why do no miracles occur nowadays?”

“Why, it is asked, do no miracles occur nowadays, such as occurred in former times?” wrote Saint Augustine of Hippo, who lived from 354 to 430 A.D.. This same question asked in the early 5th century is not so different from one asked by thousands of Christians throughout the world today. People often wish they…

The Bomb in the Basilica

The Bomb in the Basilica

On the morning of November 14, 1921, just outside of Mexico City, a young man by the name of Luciano Perez Carpio entered one of the most important and sacred churches in the world bearing a bouquet of flowers.  This was the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the shrine on Tepeyac Hill to which…

Unity Through Reform

Unity Through Reform

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus (Romans 15:5) — The 2018 “Summer of Sorrow” has proven to be a tumultuous time for the Church. The Barque of Peter has been rocked by scandal after scandal, and many Church leaders…

Fackenheim’s Law and the Current Catholic Crisis

Fackenheim’s Law and the Current Catholic Crisis

First Things—The medieval Jewish sage Maimonides counted 613 commandments, or mitzvot, in the Law that God gave his people, Israel. The 20th-century Jewish philosopher Emil Fackenheim, who escaped the Nazis’ genocidal clutches and devoted part of his scholarly life to pondering the moral meaning of the Holocaust, formulated what he called the 614th commandment: Give…

Our Great Commission: The Call of the Laity to Holiness & Reform in Times of Scandal

Our Great Commission: The Call of the Laity to Holiness & Reform in Times of Scandal

I, like many of you, have been disheartened by the unfolding scandal regarding now Archbishop Theodore McCarrick – a scandal we thought had been sufficiently handled in 2002 with the implementation of the Dallas Charter, which adopted a zero tolerance policy for sexual indiscretions with minors by priests and deacons. (It has come to light…

A Road Map for Deepening our Catholic Faith in 2010

A Road Map for Deepening our Catholic Faith in 2010

 If you are like most people, it is very likely you have made at least one New Year’s resolution to kick off 2010.  The typical list may include losing weight, quitting smoking, drinking less and exercising more.  Sound familiar?  But, how often do we make firm resolutions to help us become better Catholics?  What can…

A Christmas Rebellion?

A Christmas Rebellion?

As we continue through the wonderful 12 days of Christmas, columnist Randy Hain reflects on the days leading up to the celebration of Christ’s birth this year in the wider marketplace. An interesting read! Were your experiences similar to his? —ed. I have been pleasantly surprised this Christmas.  I was prepared to receive a tidal…

Reflections on the Great Jubilee 2000 +10

Reflections on the Great Jubilee 2000 +10

As we rapidly approach the Christmas Eve vigil of 2009, I am reminded of another Christmas Eve just 10 years ago, a Christmas Eve that I had spent six years preparing for in a special way.  The late Holy Father, the recently named Venerable John Paul II said the Great Jubilee 2000 was the event…

120 Years of St Catherine’s Military Academy  Forming Young Men of Virtue One Boy at a Time…

120 Years of St Catherine’s Military Academy Forming Young Men of Virtue One Boy at a Time…

A 120th anniversary is quite an accomplishment. There are few economic enterprises which can claim that level of continuous performance. St Catherine’s Military Academy in Anaheim, California is one of them. Founded in 1889 by Mother Pia Backes, OP, of the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, the school has shown an amazing ability to…

New Mission Territory

New Mission Territory

Look around after Mass or observe the folks attending ministry meetings and parish events and ask yourself: “Where are all the young adults?” According to the Fast Facts on Young Adults page listed on the USCCB website, the Church defines “young adults” as 18-40 years of age and says that 40% of Catholics today belong…

Priorities and a Life Filled with Meaning

Priorities and a Life Filled with Meaning

This is the second half of a talk I gave to the Catholic Business Leaders Breakfast at Sacred Heart Parish on October 9th , 2009.  The first part of the talk was on my conversion into the Catholic Church in 2006 with my wife and sons after I spent 23 years in the “spiritual wilderness”—a…



Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen. For quite some time, I have had a desire to write about my…

The Need to Have an Interior Life

The Need to Have an Interior Life

Friends-good morning.  In Eucharistic Adoration this week I read a meditation from In Conversation With God, by Francis Fernandez, which absolutely got my attention.   Here is an excerpt which I hope will resonate with you and make you reflect on your actions as it has with me. EXCERPT FROM In Conversation with God, by Francis…

Straight Talk

Straight Talk

It is time for a little straight talk about the need for…straight talk.  Over the last several years there has been an alarming increase in “doublespeak”, hidden agendas, political polarization and misrepresentation of the facts by our government.  For the most part, they have been actively aided and abetted in their efforts by the media. …

Living Examples

Living Examples

Friends-good morning.  I came across this passage from In Conversation With God and would like to share it with you.  It really made me stop and reflect this morning and I hope you also find it helpful.  Have a great day.   In Christ, Randy Living Examples (An excerpt from In Conversation With God by Francis…

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