Surrender and Strength

Surrender and Strength

“Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly.” — St. Ignatius Loyola What is the connection between surrender and strength?  Surrendering to Christ and putting His will before my own for the first…

Why Iran Matters to Catholics Like You and Me

Why Iran Matters to Catholics Like You and Me

As the street protests in Iran move into their second week we must wonder, just what is it, that is taking place?  There are so many questions and so little information from commentators with the experience to tell us just what it is that is happening.  The first question that comes to mind is, just…

Because We Love Them So Much

Because We Love Them So Much

My wife and I are blessed with 2 wonderful boys, Alex and Ryan, who are 11 and eight respectively.  The catalyst for this article occurred Wednesday night when we all went to dinner to celebrate my birthday.  We went to a nicer restaurant than usual because of the occasion, which also served to elevate the…

Vital Leadership Lessons from a Child with Autism

Vital Leadership Lessons from a Child with Autism

I have been leading people since I was a 16 year old in high school working at a restaurant in the town where I grew up.  Leadership has always been a passion for me and after years of study, reading dozens of leadership books, listening to mentors and accumulating great experience on the way to…

Holy Father Inaugurates Year of the Priest: Just in Time for Father’s Day

Holy Father Inaugurates Year of the Priest: Just in Time for Father’s Day

Here in the United States, we are preparing celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday June 21.  This traditional holiday celebrates the unique contribution to the stability of our society that fathers make in their every day mission of guiding their families. We Catholics understand that the family is the individual building block upon which an ordered…

Demonstrations in Iran:  The Information Wants to Be Free

Demonstrations in Iran: The Information Wants to Be Free

The ongoing demonstrations in Iran, touched off by public outrage at what is believed to be fraudulent vote counting in the recent Presidential election, has completed its sixth day. Not since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 has there been this much sustained, grass roots political protest in what is one of the world’s most closed…

Changing Times – Changing Methods – Timeless Truth: The Catholic Distance University

Changing Times – Changing Methods – Timeless Truth: The Catholic Distance University

by Mark McElrath Have you just found yourself downsized and feel the need to complete your Bachelor’s degree?  Are you feeling empty in your current field of employment and want to work in a new career direction, maybe something related to the church but need further academic development or certification?  Are you one of those…

The Upside to a Job Search in a Down Economy

The Upside to a Job Search in a Down Economy

When faced with an opportunity to fundamentally change your life, will you take it?  Many of us want to answer this question with a resounding “yes,” but may think that reality is not attainable. Not necessarily so.  Consider the possibility that the current recession may be providing the catalyst for meaningful lessons and positive life…

Dad, Is the Recession Over Yet?

Dad, Is the Recession Over Yet?

My children are a constant source of wisdom and clarity for me.  Our sons are ages 8 and 11, and keenly interested in what’s going on in the world.  We share openly and candidly the current state of politics, the economy and world news in a way they will understand.  This past Saturday, my wife…

A Recession Antidote

A Recession Antidote

 I went to the Sacrament of Reconciliation a few days ago with a lot on my mind.  I have been weighted down for the last few months with work stress, concerns about money and a myriad of other issues big and small.  As I went through my examination of conscience, I couldn’t get past the…

Truth and Beauty: Two Leaders Share their Conversion Story and a Challenge

Truth and Beauty: Two Leaders Share their Conversion Story and a Challenge

Ed. note: This article was co-written by Chris Findley. As converts to the Catholic Church in the last few years, we have both written and addressed groups about our conversion stories and what led us to the True Faith.  We maintain that being Catholic is so much more than knowing the Catechism, the bible, attending…

A Commitment to Courage and Love in the New Year

A Commitment to Courage and Love in the New Year

I would like you to join me in a different kind of commitment for next year.  This is the kind of commitment that will cost us something for sure, but the reward is great.  In the coming year let’s make every effort to acknowledge Christ before others and defend (as well as follow!) in a…

Expanding Our Hearts

Expanding Our Hearts

In these difficult times, it can be very challenging to think of others and not just ourselves. Our personal struggles often keep our focus inward and not outward towards our brothers and sisters in Christ.  If these words resonate with you, I would like to provide some encouragement to break out of this inward focus…

Bringing All of You to Work

Bringing All of You to Work

Ed. note: This piece is co-authored by Ron Young.  Have you ever known someone who had a meteoric rise up the corporate ladder, but seemed to lose himself along the way?  Sadly, there are many who fit that bill.  Quite possibly, you may even see yourself this way.  How did it happen?  Was the career…

Surrogate Gods, Surrogate Parents

Surrogate Gods, Surrogate Parents

It is a gross understatement to say that we live in very trying times.  Our country is at war, our economy is a mess, atheists are one of the fastest growing groups in our country and our families are under siege.  My intent is not to depress you, but get your attention on the reality…

Becoming a Light for Christ…at Work

Becoming a Light for Christ…at Work

“You are the salt of the earth.  You are the light of the world.  A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.  Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” -Matthew 5:13-14 and 16. Most of us spend the majority of our…

The Fortress

The Fortress

When I imagine a fortress, it invokes thoughts of strength, security and protection. The image is comforting, particularly when used in relation to one’s faith. I was speaking with someone I met recently about my faith and learned that he, too, was Catholic. After hearing my story, he explained to me the role faith played…

A Journey in Prayer

A Journey in Prayer

Before I began my RCIA classes in the Fall of 2006, I studied the Catholic faith in earnest.  I tend to intellectualize everything and my first thoughts were to learn everything I could about our faith.  I quickly realized there was more to our wonderful Faith than knowledge, history and tradition!  I then began to…

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