My readings from religious sources made Advent and Christmas particularly special. They raised wonderful questions and offered great guidance messaging about the life of Jesus and for each person’s life.
Reflections on the Infancy Narratives According to Matthew:
Where in Egypt are they supposed to go? How long will they be there?
The angel doesn’t reveal the whole plan to Joseph. Just do the next step.
It’s pretty much the same for us. We want to do the will of the Lord, but we don’t always know the whole plan. Just the next step.
Well, the truth is, on our own we’re not always sure of the next step. That’s why it makes great sense to involve the Lord in our planning. We are created by God and put here in this time and place for a purpose. My destiny is not achieved by simply doing what I want. The main question is What does God want?
We all need constantly to turn to the Lord and ask: What do you want? Young people especially, because they’re deciding on their future. There ought to be a large sign over every high school or college career-day display that reads: “What does God want you to do?”
What’s “the next step,” in my life right now? Talk to the Lord about it, and keep in mind the words that God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah: “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord…” (Jer29:10)
Message: Achieving your God designed destiny by knowing your purpose!
Reflections on the Infancy Narratives According to Matthew:
Jesus is still a small child, too young to make any decisions about his life. These are being taken care of by Mary and Joseph.
If we go back to our conception and birth, we realize that our “beginnings” were all laid out by God. Nothing that preceded our birth as part of our free choice.
We can never get back our beginnings and reshape them. We were born at a specific time in history, in this part of the world, born of these parents, with these genes, in this environment…
All of this was in the hands of God.
And none of this can be changed. There is no appeal. We live within a certain framework of possibilities that are limited by our starting point.
I can resent, protest, refuse, but I can’t change my beginnings.
Joseph, Mary, and Jesus – on the road again – can help us understand how to live a good and happy life. It’s simply to realize that God put me in this time and place and in these circumstances for a purpose. I fulfill this if I but try to do God’s will each day.
Instead of wondering “what might have been,” I would best spend my time with the Lord asking what He has in mind for me today.
Message: Realize God put you in this time and place in these circumstances for a purpose!
The Word For You Today:
When you’re self-absorbed and focused on your own interests, it’s easy to overlook people in need and show no concern. But when you commit your life to Christ and decide to follow in His footsteps, that changes. But when He saw the multitudes , He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
People with no direction, no focus, no purpose for living. How many of these people were there? “multitudes.” He told His disciples to pray that God would “send out laborers into His harvest.” Note the word “harvest” You only get so much time to gather in a harvest, otherwise you lose it. Don’t miss the point Jesus is making, or the urgency in it. You are being called to show compassion toward those around you who are weary and scattered, and to take every opportunity to bring them to Jesus.
When you’re suddenly moved by a need you have walked past many times before, God is telling you to get involved and do something about it.
Message: Each of us is called to show compassion toward those around us and help bring them to Jesus.
The Word For You Today:
It means that when you understand God’s Word, God’s ways, and God’s will, you will be confident in who you are and in what God has called you to do. Question: When was the last time you attempted to do something for the first time? You say, “I am afraid of failing.” Everybody fails; the winners are those who keep getting back up again.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
God has not promised that you won’t experience hardship in doing what He has called you to do, but He has promised that you will succeed. So, BE BOLD!
Message: Be BOLD in doing what God has called you to do.
The Word For You Today:
If you would like to start the New Year with a clean slate and traveling lighter, let go of the old grudges that are weighing you down.
Bitterness and hatred come naturally when you have been hurt. Forgiving is supernatural and requires the grace of God, but remember, Jesus said, “If you do not forgive… your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Mt 6:15 NIV)
Forgiveness opens the doors of a prison, where you are both the prisoner and the jailor.
Drifting apart is the natural result of an unforgiving spirit; forgiveness reverses the trend by healing broken relationships. It’s a scientific fact that forgiveness adds years to your life. As a rule, when you talk to individuals who have passed the eighty-year mark, you find they’re at peace with themselves because they have learned to forgive and let go.
Message: Start the New Year by letting go of old grievances about others and try forgiveness to heal broken relationships.
One Bread One Body:
The feast of the Holy Family is an encouragement for all families, even the most wounded and broken ones. The Holy Family experienced separation, persecution, grief, and death. Yet they focused on faith, hope, and love, and endured all things (see 1 Cor 13:7). Put your family in the hands of the Holy Family. Be amazed at what the Lord will do with and through your family.
Message: Emulate the Holy Family and see what the Lord will do for you through your family.
Together let’s share the excitement of the New Year throughout 2025 with many accomplishments.
God bless you and your family!
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